Yamaha P-525 Black incl.pedalsektion og stativ.På lager !

14.995,00 kr. inkl. moms

Yamahas bedste Stage Piano med GrandTouch

Indbygget Bluetooth

  • Fuldt set-up:
  • Yamaha LP- 1 Sort Pedalenhed
  • Yamaha L-515 Stativ
  • Yamaha P-525b Sort Digitalpiano


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515 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 14.995 kr. over 36 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 515 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 3.528 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 18.523 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 15,25%. Der er fortrydelsesret.
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P-525 er flagskibsmodellen af ​​den verdenskendte Yamaha P-serie af kompakte digitale klaverer, der tilbyder autentisk følelse, udsøgt lyd og yderligere forbedrede key-instrument-lyde.


Klaverstemmerne er to koncertflygler i verdensklasse: Yamaha CFX og Bösendorfer Imperial.


Dens højttaleroutput og variationen og kvaliteten af ​​dens lyde, inklusive orgler og elektriske klaverer, er markant forbedret fra dens forgænger, P-515.


Trætastaturet – meget rost for sin følelse – er blevet opgraderet fra NWX-tastaturet til 88-tasters GrandTouch-S™-tastaturet. Dette bringer spilleoplevelsen endnu tættere på et flygel.


Med Registration Memory-funktionen til at gemme og genkalde indstillinger og andre nyttige og praktiske funktioner til intime liveoptrædener, er P-525 også godt rustet til at fungere som et sceneklaver.


Vi anbefaler denne model til:

– Folk, der ønsker bærbare klaverer af højeste kvalitet


– Folk, der vil optræde (solo eller med et band) samt spille derhjemme


– Folk, der vil have et andet klaver

The GrandTouch-S keyboard offers a realistic playing feel

The P-525 features the highly playable GrandTouch-S keyboard, which also equips Yamaha’s top-flight Clavinova digital pianos. The feel of the keys is as close as it gets to the touch of a grand piano.

The GrandTouch-S keyboard also faithfully simulate tonal variation from subtle differences in how hard, quickly, and heavily they are played, affording grand piano-like variety and richness of tone. The keys are made of solid wood, and the laminated structure makes them resistant to warping and exceptionally durable.

The hands of a person playing the P-525

Simulating the sound of two world-class concert grand pianos in a compact body

The P-525 is equipped with Yamaha CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial Voices. The CFX is characterized by a sparkling treble and powerful bass, while the Imperial has a warm sound known as the Viennese tone.

Despite its compact size, the P-525 offers a full taste of the distinct qualities of these two great pianos.

A photo of Yamaha’s CFX concert grand piano and the Bösendorfer imperial

Play realistic renditions of classic songs of yesteryear

The P-525 features improved organ, electric piano, and other keyed instrument Voices.

The engineers who achieved these improvements are experts in the sound of electric organs and electric pianos and the musical culture associated with them. Their efforts to create faithful, high-quality simulations of familiar sounds—the attack of an organ and the distinctive sound of its Leslie speakers, the reverb, distortion, and other sound effects of the electric pianos that defined 70s and 80s pop music—result in realistic, immersive experiences that make you feel like you are actually playing those instruments.

A photo of the electric piano

Equipped with convenient features for live performances

The P-525 features the Registration Memory function for saving and recalling settings, which is useful and convenient for intimate live performances in cafés, bars, and other small venues. You can program all the Voices and Rhythms in the comfort of home and call them up at the venue when you are ready to play. It is also easy to switch between Voices in the middle of songs.

Other features include Sound Boost and adjustable EQ to ensure that the piano can be heard when playing with other instruments in a band.

Vægt 25 kg