Vi reparerer dine instrumenter
Vi har repareret instrumenter i mere end 35 år og ingen opgave er for stor eller for lille.
Eksempel på priser:
Strengeskift: 250 Kr. Ekskl. Strenge
Justering af Guitar eller Bas – 800 Kr.
Reparationstilbud: 500 Kr.
Vælger du at acceptere tilbudet bliver de 500 Kr fratrukket endelig faktura.
Federico Olia - Professional Luthier from Italy
2004 Civica Scuola di Liuteria di Milano (Italy)
2011 Master Program at Galloup School of Lutherie (USA)
2013 Northwood Seminars at Galloup Guitars (USA)
Attended various courses and lectures with world’s top luthiers
Been in the business of repairing and building guitars and basses for over 15 years

Distributor for North Europe for Magnetics Pickups
Years of experience building different styles of guitars, including acoustic, electric guitars, basses, archtop and classical guitars
Official Guitar Tech for MusikHuset in Slagelse
Moved to Denmark in 2021 and now at your service